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Reachout Radio loses majority of funding

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." -- Helen Keller

Every day we are reminded of how quickly life can change. Some changes are exciting and make our lives better. But too often unexpected changes make our lives more challenging.

WXXI Reachout Radio has just experienced one of those unexpected changes. For nearly 30 years the Association for the Blind of Greater Rochester has been a major supporter of Reachout Radio, through funding from the United Way. This year, the United Way changed its funding priorities so ABVI will not have money to invest in Reachout Radio. The support we’ve depended upon disappeared as of July 1, 2017.

This change comes at a time when the need for vision services is growing rapidly due to the aging baby boomers. Reachout Radio is using technology to provide service to that population experiencing vision loss for the first time.  People experiencing vision loss can find out about related services, adaptive technology and eye conditions and research on our website and through out podcasts.

Please join us to Fill the Gap! Your gift in any amount helps Reachout Radio fill the $40,000 gap left by the elimination of funding from ABVI. Please click on the red DONATE button at the top of the page to help Reachout Radio continue a service which is flexible and accessible on a variety of media to best serve individuals dealing with vision loss or physical disability.