Audio Described Television Programming on WXXI-TV

Descriptive Video Works

Audio Described Television Programming on WXXI-TV

As a further service to Rochester's visually impaired community, WXXI television offers a large number of its programs with descriptive video (DVi or D)))).

The programs listed below include descriptive video for the month.  Programs with descriptive video provide concise descriptions of sets, scenery, costumes, action and other important visual elements between the dialogue of the program.

Digital television standards provide for two types of main audio, and six types of associated audio services, one of which is for people with vision disabilities.  In order to access D))) programs in the digital world, you will need to have either a digital television with additional associated audio services or a converter box with enough associated audio services.  As long as you are equipped with one of these two options, any program that contains D)))/audio description, the description will be heard along with all of the regular program audio. For more information on how to access D))) programs, call WXXI at 325-7500.

In July 2019 WXXI Television had to change frequencies.  If you are having trouble receiving WXXI televisions programming over air, using an antenna, you may need to rescan to access the new frequencies.  (This is NOT necessary if you subscribe to cable.) Here's a short video to help you rescan your over the air television.